Setting Up Your Calendars

Setting Up Your Calendars

Setting up calendars on Spotz is a simple process, but there are a few steps involved to ensure that things are setup properly.

Entering Past Bookings

If you or your organization has events and reservations occurring in the future, you can enter these in first so that they are on the calendar. Eventually, when you are ready to create availability, the availability will be created around your events and will not overwrite any of the future events.
How To Create Internal and External Assignments

Creating Availability

In order for customers to rent at your facilities, you must create availability blocks. The availability that you create will not overwrite reservations and assignments that you have entered in as assignments. You can choose to create your availability by individual days, choosing a limited amount of time (Tuesday, 9:30am-11:30am), or you can create a blanketed block of availability that can span for entire seasons or months (Monday-Friday, 6;00am-11:00pm)
How To Create Availability 

Once you have created your availability and past and future bookings, you are ready to begin taking online rentals from customers. This is the bare minimum you will need to do for renters to begin renting online. You will need to enter assignments and create availability for every space that you have in order for your entire organization to be rentable. 

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