How Do I Change A Booking Date/Time?

How Do I Change A Booking Date/Time?

Unlike a google calendar, Spotz does not allow for simply dragging and dropping events onto a calendar for easy editing and changing of reservations. There are a few steps in order to change the date on a booking.

Internal and $0 Reservations

For changing the date on internal or $0 reservations, you will have to cancel the incorrect booking and create an assignment for the correct date. 

  1. Begin by cancelling the incorrect reservation by navigating to the facility and space that the reservation is taking place on. Once you are on the space page, click on Reservations found on the left hand side column.

  2. Now that you're on the Reservations page, begin by selecting the date, or date range of the event you would like to change

  3. Once you have selected your date, the Reservations page will populate reservations that occur on that day or date range. Scroll down until you see the reservation that you want to change and select the down arrow to the right of the reservation. Once you click on the down arrow, you will have the option to cancel.

  4. After clicking Cancel, a dialogue box will appear, prompting you to include a reason for cancelling. Choose a reason (If no reason, select Other), and then click Cancel Booking to cancel the incorrect reservation. Once you have clicked Cancel Booking, one last box will appear, asking if you are sure you would like to cancel. If you are sure, click yes to complete the cancellation.

  5. Now that the incorrect reservation has been cancelled, it is time to create the new, correct reservation. To do so, begin by going to the Availability page where you will create an assignment for the correct date.

  6. On the Availability page, you will want to click +Assignment to begin making your new event. Clicking +Assignment will open up the Assign Space dialogue box for you to enter in all of the details for your event including title, date, and times. 

  7. Once you have entered in all of your details, select Save and your newly created event will be in the system and on the calendar for you.

Paid Reservations

Changing the date on a paid reservation requires a slightly different procedure due to the refund that is automatically triggered when cancelling the incorrect reservation. If you do not cancel the reservation, the refund will not be given and you will not need the renter to re-book their space; however, no one will be able to rent space at the same time of the incorrect booking as that reservation will still appear on the calendar.

  1. Begin by cancelling the incorrect reservation by navigating to the facility and space that the reservation is taking place on. Once you are on the space page, click on Reservations found on the left hand side column.

  2. Now that you're on the Reservations page, begin by selecting the date, or date range of the event you would like to change.

  3. Once you have selected your date, the Reservations page will populate reservations that occur on that day or date range. Scroll down until you see the reservation that you want to change and select the down arrow to the right of the reservation. Once you click on the down arrow, you will have the option to cancel.

  4. After clicking Cancel, a dialogue box will appear, prompting you to include a reason for cancelling. Choose a reason (If no reason, select Other), and then click Cancel Booking to cancel the incorrect reservation. You will also have an additional option to restore the blocks of time that you are cancelling back to available inventory so that others can rent space during the time of your newly cancelled reservation. Once you have clicked Cancel Booking, one last box will appear, asking if you are sure you would like to cancel. If you are sure, click yes to complete the cancellation. Cancelling the booking WILL immediately give the renter a refund.

  5. Now that the incorrect reservation has been cancelled, it is up to the renter to book their correct time. If you did not choose to cancel the original booking to avoid giving a refund to the renter, it will be up to you to create an assignment for the correct reservation. Follow along with steps 3-5 listed in the above section to learn how to create an assignment.

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