General Host FAQ

General Host FAQ

How do I start managing my athletic space through Spotz’s online market place? 

Start by signing up or requesting a FREE demo. It’s easy with Spotz’s one click sign up. You can sign up with your Facebook or Google account or just with an email.  

Once your Organization Profile has been activated we will set you up with administrative login privileges so you can start managing your spaces with our scheduling and administration tools! After that the ball will be in your court to build your profile, set availability, and accept reservations.  Don’t worry, we will be here to coach you along the way so that you can successfully compete in Spotz’s online market place!  

What is an Organization?

  1. An Organization is the legal managing group commonly categorized as a school distinct, municipality,  private club, non-profit organization, or church/proctorial school that acts as the encompassing entity of a facility and or group of properties.  
  2. An Organization can also be an entity seeking renting permission of a space.  

How do I create an Organization Profile? 

That's easy, we create your organizations profile for you!  Once you have signed up or requested a demo we will contact you with information on how to start managing your organizations profile.  If your organization has spaces already being listed on Spotz that just means we got the ball rolling for you and may already have renters interested in your space! 

What is a Facility?

A "Facility” is a group of “Spaces" that are in one geographic location or are in one building.  For example a park is a Facility and the soccer fields at that park are Spaces. A facility can have spaces that are both indoor and outdoor, for example a high school is a facility and the gymnasium in the high school and the baseball diamonds on the property of the high school are both spaces of the high school facility.  

How do I create a Facility?

To create a facility:

  1. Starting at your organizations administration homepage in the lower left had corner under the “Facilities” heading select the blue “add” button.  
  2. That will route you to a new “create facility” page.  Follow the prompts and enter in all of the information for your the facility you are creating.  When complete select the orange “save” button.
  3. To view your facility as it will appear on Spotz, from the facilities administration homepage select the blue link icon on the upper left hand side of your page. This will open a new tab in your web browser and show a preview of your facility page.   
  4.  To make edits to your facility, on the facility management page select the blue pencil icon in the upper left hand corner to be directed to the “edit facility” page where changes can be made within the text fields.  Again, click save when complete.

What is a Space?

A "Space” is the single bookable athletic property that is part of a Facility and managed by an Organization.  A space is a property that a guest can book such as a baseball diamond, basketball court, studio, etc.  

How do I create a Space?

To create a space:

  1. Starting at your organizations management page select the facility you are wanting to add spaces to. Your Organizations Facilities will be listed under the “Facilities” heading on the lower left hand side of your page.  
  2. Now on the Facility management page you want to populate with spaces to on the left hand side of the page under the “Spaces” heading select the orange add icon.  
  3. That will bring you to the “Create Space” page.  Enter the spaces information into the correct fields.  When complete select “save".

What should I charge for my Space?

Though pricing is completely your discretion, check out our markets pricing guide sheet if you need some guidance. 

How do I claim my Space? 

Do you own or manage an organization listed on Spotz? Great, we want to get you set up as an administrator so that you can start managing your spaces!  To do so Sign up or request a demo.  

What is the difference between a demo and signing up

A Demo is free, and will allow you to manage your organizations profile account  but it does not include access to our premium management tools(link to web description of management tools).  

How much does Spotz Cost? 

Pricing is based off the number of athletic spaces you put to market.  For a quote or addition pricing options email at support@findspotz.com.

What is the cost structure?

As a host, you decide the price of your space and renters pay an additional $2 convenience fee for a single booking or $5 for a multiple booking transaction. Cancel your booking prior to 60 days before rental date for a full refund.  

What about Insurance and liability?

Spotz is built to offer insurance on rentals where necessary. At this time the automated service is turned off so if you have specific needs please send a note at https://www.findspotz.com/contact.

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