How do I approve or deny bookings?
- Once a guest books a space, it will be up to the host to approve or deny the guest's booking. To approve or deny the booking, being by going to your reservation page, found on the GymDandy side bar. This will bring you to your upcoming rentals.
- From here, you can click to approve or deny the rental using the corresponding thumbs up or thumbs down icons, or you can click to review the rental. When you choose to review the rental you will be brought to a screen that details all of the rental information including rental time, purpose, payment details and any setup instructions. If all of the information is correct, you can approve the booking.
- Upon clicking Approve, you will receive a final notification prompt with one last verification of the booking. This is also where you can leave a note for the booking user with any additional information. The reservation will than be automatically added to your booking calendar
How Do I View Upcoming Rentals?