How do I add my
organizations organization badge
- Starting at the organizations home page, locate and and hover over the logo box the "Change Photo" icon in the upper right hand corner of the pagebadge box and left click to select to "Upload Photo".
- After selecting "Change Upload Photo", a window will appear with all of your computers documents, allowing you to choose an appropriate banner badge photo. Badge logos need to be formatted as a square in dimension and are best displayed when in high quality, and that clearly display your organization, facility, or specific space. Select the photo you would like and press open. Note: uploaded photos can only be a maximum of 1mb. The badge photo should be the most common and recognizable logo associated with your organization.
- Following uploading your photo you will receive a notification window letting you know the banner Badge has been successfully updatedadded.
- If you would like to change or update the banner badge photo at any time, repeat steps 1-3
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